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Physical Geography Lecture
I hope you’re taking notes: The nature of nature
is to move, and separate. To shine, then fade
at the drifting pace of buttonbush on the Sangamon
in native migration from a tourist town, where
I’m finding the parking garages
just-sprung from the earth last night. This, from our
great fertile plains. This wasn’t here before.
The cracks, ever-widening, bring concrete weeds
from the sex of thought and raw material, while a whole planet
copulates the next room over. I’m hiding under
my desk like I was taught and I didn’t feel the plates
smashing and grinding together but he assures
me they met, and shook. I hope you’re taking notes.
It’s always sex
one room over and with her, he took pictures off the wall
with no hands, only shaking earth-quaking love-making
percussion. There returns to me a ringing, what’s left
of explosions is still more sound echoing
with an angry history, so there’s always
something blowing up—ending in fire and not enough silence.
Bobby Bolt
Bobby Bolt is a senior English student attending the University of Illinois at Springfield, graduating in Spring 2016. He is pursuing an MFA in Poetry beginning in the Fall semester, pending acceptance. Bobby edits poetry for the Alchemist Review as well as Compass Literary Journal, of which he is a co-founder. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Alchemist Review, Postcard Poetry & Prose Magazine, An Anthology of Love Poems, and Route 7 Review. In October 2015, he read at the Poetry Foundation with Adam Clay, Jessica Anne, and Kathleen Rooney for their Open Door Reading Series.