Issue 7.2 Contents
Space Camp — Amanda Baldeneaux
Prey — Janelle Blasdel
Audible Cities — Robert Boucheron
Hercules — Jennafer D’Alvia
One Daughter Weeping — Randall Van Nostrand
Aunt Mary — Margaret Erhart
Sandwiches — Brenda Miller & Julie Marie Wade
Three Twirls — Laura Grace Weldon
Dental Therapy — Geoff Martin
Dear Nameless — Ed Granger
I Imagine Daniel Bryan Sometimes Feels Just Like I Do — Quinn Carver Johnson
Smoke in the distance is what’s left when the body cannot remember who it belongs to — Babo Kamel
Martha and Tooter — Joshua Kulseth
Navarre Ct & Alhambra Ct — Tom Laichas
Santa Clara Av — Tom Laichas
Elon Musk stands at the edge of my bed watching me sleep wearing a mask of my mother’s face — Nicole Mason
The Fire That Consumes All Before It — Dean Rader
The Devil — Sherre Vernon
At the Ventnor Botanic Garden, Isle of Wight — Marilyn Westfall
Amanda Baldeneaux
Janelle Blasdel
Robert Boucheron
Jennafer D’Alvia
Margaret Erhart
Ed Granger
Quinn Carver Johnson
Babo Kamel
Joshua Kulseth
Tom Laichas
Geoff Martin
Nicole Mason
Brenda Miller & Julie Marie Wade
Dean Rader
Randall Van Nostrand
Sherre Vernon
Laura Grace Weldon
Marilyn Westfall