Issue 7.2 Contributors

Amanda Baldeneaux’s writing has appeared in The Missouri Review, X-R-A-Y Lit Mag, and is forthcoming elsewhere. She was awarded The Missouri Review’s Jeffrey E. Smith 2018 Editors’ Prize in fiction and was a finalist for the Yalobusha Review’s 2019 Barry Hannah Prize for Fiction. She studied English and creative writing at The George Washington University and the University of Arkansas, and now lives in Colorado with her husband and two daughters. She works as a fiction editor and is a contributing writer to the speculative fiction blog, Fiction Unbound.

Janelle Blasdel lives in Chicago where she works as an ad copywriter and performs improv and sketch comedy throughout the city. Her writing has appeared in McSweeney’s, Slackjaw, Points in Case, Entrepreneur Magazine, and Main Street Rag. She received her MFA in Creative Writing from Southern Illinois University Carbondale. You can find her on Twitter at @janelleblasdel.

Robert Boucheron is an architect in Charlottesville, Virginia. His stories and essays appear in Bellingham Review, Fiction International, Saturday Evening Post, and online magazines.

 Jennafer D’Alvia holds a B.A. in Creative Writing from Sarah Lawrence College and an M.A. in Applied Linguistics from Columbia University. Her stories have been published in 34th Parallel, Epiphany and Hanging Loose. Jennafer was named as a finalist in Glimmer Train’s Short Story Award for New Writers, and her work has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She teaches poetry and fiction for The Writers Studio and she lives in Hastings-on-Hudson, NY, where she’s currently at work on a collection of stories.

Margaret Erhart’s work has appeared in The New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, The Best American Spiritual Writing 2005, Hypertext Magazine, Nashville Review, and Cagibi. Her novel, The Butterflies of Grand Canyon (Plume), was a finalist for an Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award. She lives and works in Flagstaff, Arizona. Find her at:

Ed Granger lives in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, where he works for a healthcare non-profit in a Quixotic attempt to pay for his teenage daughter’s horseback riding lessons. His chapbook Voices from the First Gilded Age was published in 2019 by Finishing Line Press. His poems have also appeared or are forthcoming in THINK Journal, Philadelphia Stories, Loch Raven Review, Delmarva Review, River Heron Review, and other journals.

Quinn Carver Johnson was born and raised on the Kansas-Oklahoma border, but currently
attends Hendrix College, pursuing degrees in Creative Writing and Performance Studies. A poet by nature, Johnson is the former co-host of a poetry review talk show on KHDX, Hendrix’s student radio station, the former Fiction Genre Editor and Nonfiction Genre Editor of the Aonian, the college’s student literary journal, and a current Hendrix Murphy Scholar in Literature and Language. Johnson’s work has appeared in several journals, both in-print and online, including Nebo, Right Hand Pointing, Flint Hills Review, and Red Earth Review.

Originally from Montreal, Babo Kamel now resides in Florida. Her work is published in literary reviews in the US, Australia, and Canada including the Greensboro Review, Painted Bride Quarterly, and most recently in Poet Lore. She holds an MFA from Warren Wilson’s Program for Writers, is a Best of Net nominee, and a six-time Pushcart nominee. Her chapbook, After, is published with Finishing Line Press. Find her at:

In the past, Joshua Kulseth has served as the editor for Clemson University’s literary magazine The Chronicle, as well as the president of Clemson’s English Majors Organization. He placed as a semi-finalist in the Norman Mailer Collegiate Poetry Competition, and a finalist in the Cargoes Poetry Competition. Joshua graduated with a Masters in Fine Arts in poetry from Hunter College, and is currently a PhD candidate in poetry at Texas Tech University. He has been published in the South Carolina’s Best Emerging Poet’s anthology, Pilgrim, Tar River Poetry, and Rappahannock Review.

Tom Laichas’s recent work has appeared or is forthcoming in Spillway, Prime 53, Masque & Spectacle, Ambit, and elsewhere. He is author of the recently released collection Empire of Eden (High Window Press) and of the chapbook Sixty-Three Photos at the End of a War (3.1 Venice Press, forthcoming). “Navarre Court & Alhambra Ct” and “Santa Clara Av” are from 300 Streets of Venice California, a work-in-progress.

Geoff Martin’s place-based and environmental essays have appeared most recently in The Common, Slag Glass City, Boulevard, and Creative Nonfiction and have been nominated for two upcoming Pushcart Prizes. His audio essay on noise and stillness, Burning Silence, is available on The Drum. He is a CNF contributing editor at Barren Magazine and can be found at, on Twitter @gmartin9, or in San Francisco where he now lives.   

Nicole Mason received her MA in Literature from Northern Michigan University and is currently an MFA candidate in poetry at Western Michigan University and is the poetry editor at Third Coast Magazine. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Midwestern Gothic, Slipstream, Crab Creek Review, Five:2:One, Pithead Chapel, and others. She lives in Kalamazoo, MI with her husband and three ungrateful dogs.

Collaborative work by Brenda Miller and Julie Marie Wade has previously appeared in Creative Nonfiction, Kenyon Review, The Georgia Review, The Normal School, River Teeth, Punctuate, Phoebe, and Tupelo Quarterly as well as the anthologies The Spirit of Disruption: Landmark Essays from The Normal School (Outpost 19, 2018) and They Said: A Multi-Genre Anthology of Contemporary Collaborative Writing (Black Lawrence Press, 2018). In 2019, their first collaborative collection won the Cleveland State University Press Nonfiction Book Prize. Telephone: An Essay in Two Voices is forthcoming from CSU Press in 2021. Miller teaches and writes in Bellingham, WA, and Wade in Hollywood, FL.

Dean Rader has written, edited, or co-edited eleven books, including Works & Days (Truman State University Press), which won the 2010 T. S. Eliot Prize, Bullets into Bells: Poets and Citizens Respond to Gun Violence, edited with Brian Clements & Alexandra Teague (Beacon) and Self-Portrait as Wikipedia Entry (Copper Canyon), a finalist for the Oklahoma Book Award and the Northern California Book Award. He is a professor at the University of San Francisco and the recipient of a 2019 Guggenheim Fellowship in Poetry.

Randall Van Nostrand’s stories have appeared in Chantwood Magazine, Bards & Sages, East of the Web, and the Musepaper. Her debut novel, Vanquishing the Night Horse, is in final edits. As a former New Yorker, she’s ridiculously happy to be dwelling on a mountain and writing like crazy.

Sherre Vernon is a seeker of a mystical grammar and a recipient of the Parent-Writer Fellowship at The Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing. She has two award-winning chapbooks: Green Ink Wings and The Name is Perilous. Readers describe Sherre’s work as heartbreaking, richly layered, lyrical and intelligent. To read more of her work visit

Laura Grace Weldon is the author of three books, most recently the poetry collection Blackbird (Grayson Books, 2019), the strength of which led her to being named Ohio Poet of the Year. Her creative nonfiction appears in Wired, Under the Gum Tree, Minding Nature Journal, Tikkun, and elsewhere. Laura works as a book editor and teaches community-based writing workshops. She lives with vast optimism on a small farm where she’d get more done if she didn’t spend so much time reading library books, cooking weird things, and singing to livestock. Find her at:

Marilyn Westfall wanders between two Texas towns: Lubbock where she heads The Ad Hoc Writers group, and Alpine where her husband plays music and her daughter operates a telescope at the McDonald Observatory. She earned a Ph.D. in Literature and Creative Writing from Texas Tech University. Family roots extend to Ohio and California. Her most recent poetry appears online in Califragile, and has been anthologized by Dos Gatos Press, Mutabilis Press, and was included in The Southern Poetry Anthology, Volume VIII: Texas.