Featured Artist: E. E. King

E. E. King 

E. E. King is an award-winning painter, performer, writer, and naturalist–she’ll do anything that won’t pay the bills, especially if it involves animals. Ray Bradbury called her stories, “marvelously inventive, wildly funny and deeply thought-provoking. I cannot recommend them highly enough.” She’s been published widely, including Clarkesworld, and Flametree. Her stories are on Tangent’s 2019 and 2020, year’s best stories. She’s won The Gemini Flash Fiction award, has been nominated for five Pushcart awards and a Rhysling. She’s worked with children in Bosnia, crocodiles in Mexico, frogs in Puerto Rico, egrets in Bali, mushrooms in Montana, archaeologists in Spain, butterflies in South Central Los Angeles and lectured on island evolution and marine biology on cruise ships in the South Pacific and Caribbean. Her art has been collected internationally. You can see her murals in downtown Los Angeles and Cuenca, Spain. She’s shown at LACMA and is currently painting a science museum in San Paula, CA. She also co-hosts The Long Lost Friends Show on Metastellar YouTube. Check out paintings, writing, musings, and books at: www.elizabetheveking.com and amazon.com/author/eeking

Artist’s Statement

White reflects all color. Look at a “white” wall and concentrate. You will see browns, blues, yellows, magentas, and infinite shades of reality. All colors absorb light reflecting a single hue back to the observer, except black. Black absorbs all light. It rarely occurs in nature, and only then in minerals. I never use black paint, instead I use mixtures of umber, acra and phalo blue which look dark, but unlike black, draws the viewer into the painting. The eye instinctively focusing on a single point, nonetheless, assimilates surrounding details. The impression is often as much affected by this unconsciously perceived detail as by the actual focal point. In my work, I make detail as intrinsic a part of the painting as the focal point. By emphasizing the details that form the whole, I emphasize the mood. Since emotion is shaped by totality, and life is neither emotionally, nor visually simple. I have painted street scenes for the San Francisco Police Department and painted huge murals in Los Angeles around the theme of an inclusive community. I have also created tiles/ceramic murals, for several housing projects in LA and have worked in both Los Angeles and Spain on environmental murals depicting flora and fauna. Having directed an art and science program for 16 years in Los Angeles, this combining of art and science is something I passionately believe in.