All Fatfalls for

Things connect by a slowing :: Sometimes people are not meant to remember words :: What I long
for most often fails me :: It’s like trying to reach for the next world :: When it’s all about the
unpredictable swerve of atoms :: Fractures and Fractals :: In bits :: It’s all bullshit :: Where only X
has moved in folds of gray :: Crayoned :: Underneath an unpredictable swerve :: Where a girl will
sometimes become :: Hubris :: As in earth shapes :: Vowels :: Sprawled out ::
Occurring at no fixed place or time :: I’ve stars :: Dry and cracked :: Here come the kids always
with their pink parts :: Lights fissure :: Here’s my blue :: How it slices off :: Scale :: Memory falls
straight down the void :: Like drops of rain :: Cradled bone :: A mouth of broken teeth settling into

Author: Mg Roberts