Issue 3.3 Contributors

Liz Ahl is the author of Talking About the Weather (Seven Kitchens Press 2012), Luck (Pecan Grove Press, 2010), and A Thirst That’s Partly Mine (winner of the 2008 Slapering Hol Press chapbook contest). Her poems have appeared recently and are forthcoming in MeasureBloomEcotone, and Nimrod. She lives in Holderness, New Hampshire.

Maggie Bailey has poems published or forthcoming in The Southern Poetry AnthologyVolume V: GeorgiaTar River, Tinderbox, and elsewhere. Her chapbook, Bury the Lede, is available now from Finishing Line Press. For more work, please visit here.

Bobby Bolt is a senior English student attending the University of Illinois at Springfield, graduating in Spring 2016. He is pursuing an MFA in Poetry beginning in the Fall semester, pending acceptance. Bobby edits poetry for the Alchemist Review as well as Compass Literary Journal, of which he is a co-founder. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Alchemist ReviewPostcard Poetry & Prose Magazine, An Anthology of Love Poems, and Route 7 Review. In October 2015, he read at the Poetry Foundation with Adam Clay, Jessica Anne, and Kathleen Rooney for their Open Door Reading Series.

Austin Eichelberger is a native Virginian who completed his MA in 2009 and now teaches as much English and writing as he can manage in sunny, sprawling New Mexico. Over sixty pieces of his creative work have been published by (or are forthcoming) from journals and anthologies including Flash: The International Short-Short Story MagazineEclectic FlashGone LawnFirst Stop Fiction and others. He also serves as editor-in- chief of Tiny Text, a Twitter journal for fiction and memoir (@Tiny_Text). More of his writing lives here.

Jennifer Highland’s poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Cider Press ReviewHeron TreeFestival of Language, the anthologies Done Darkness and Chronicles of Eve, and elsewhere. She lives and practices osteopathy in buildings she built and insulated herself to weather the cold winters of central New Hampshire.

Sarah Marie Kosch is a midwesterner pursuing her fiction MFA from Oregon State University in Corvallis. She is an editor for Anomalous Press, and you can find other stories of hers floating around the interwebs thanks to Knee-Jerk MagazinePrint Oriented BastardsThe QuotableBlinders Journal, and Paper Tape Magazine.

Jenny McBride’s writing has appeared in The California QuarterlyGreen Social ThoughtStreetwiseConclave and other journals. She makes her home in southeast Alaska.

Brenda Miller is the author of several collections of lyric nonfiction, including, most recently, An Earlier Life (Judith Kitchen’s Ovenbird Books, 2016). She co-authored Tell it Slant: Creating, Refining and Publishing Creative Nonfiction, and The Pen and the Bell: Mindful Writing in a Busy World. She teaches in the creative writing program at Western Washington University.

Kelly Morse is the author of the chapbook Heavy Light (Two of Cups Press, 2016); her creative work appears in Gulf CoastMid-American ReviewThe Cincinnati ReviewBrevity, and elsewhere. Kelly’s translations of censored Vietnamese poet Lý Đợi have been published in Asymptote, and received Lunch Ticket’s Gabo Prize for Translation and Multi-Lingual Texts. She holds an MFA from Boston University, is a Robert Pinsky Global Fellow, and has been awarded residencies at the Vermont Studio Center, and the Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the Arts.

Larry D. Thacker is an Appalachian writer and artist. His poetry can be found in past issues of The Still JournalKudzu Literary MagazineThe Southern Poetry AnthologyVolume VI: TennesseeUnbroken JournalMojave River ReviewBroad River ReviewHarpoon ReviewPine Mountain Sand & GravelDead Mule School of Southern Literature, and Appalachian Heritage, among others. He is the author of Mountain Mysteries: The Mystic Traditions of Appalachia and the poetry chapbooks, Voice Hunting and Memory Train. A student services higher education professional for 15 years, he is now engaged full-time in his poetry MFA from West Virginia Wesleyan College.

Julie Marie Wade is the author of several collections of poetry and lyric nonfiction, including, most recently, Catechism: A Love Story (Noctuary Press, 2016) and SIX: Poems (Red Hen Press, 2016). She teaches in the creative writing program at Florida International University.

Patti White is the author of three collections of poetry, Tackle Box (2002), Yellow Jackets (2007), and Chain Link Fence (2013), all from Anhinga Press. Her poems have appeared in journals including Iowa ReviewRiver StyxNew MadridDIAGRAMForklift OhioNorth American Review, and Nimrod. She teaches creative writing at the University of Alabama.

Katherine Williams has published four chapbooks and read at venues from the Los Angeles Poetry Festival to the College of Charleston’s Halsey Gallery. A Pushcart nominee, board member of The Poetry Society of South Carolina, and one of Richard Garcia’s Long Table Poets, Katherine Williams’s poems appear in SpillwayProjectorDiagramBlue Arc West: An Anthology of California PoetsThe Southern Poetry Anthology, Vol. 1: South Carolina, and elsewhere. She is a career biomedical research technician, and lives on James Island, SC, with poet Richard Garcia and their dog Max.

P. J. Williams was born and raised in North Carolina. His poems have appeared in The Cincinnati ReviewNinth LetterSalt HillThe PinchThe Adroit Journal, and others. He is co-editor of the forthcoming anthology It Was Written: Poetry Inspired by Hip-Hop (Minor Arcana Press) and serves as a poetry editor for Slash Pine Press. He was awarded an Academy of American Poets Prize from the University of Alabama in 2015.

Andrea Witzke Slot Winner of Fiction International and Able Muse’s 2015 Prizes in Fiction, Slot is author of the poetry collection To find a new beauty (Gold Wake Press, 2012) and a recently-finished novel titled The Cartography of Flesh: in the Silence of Ella Mendelssohn. Recent work can be found in such places as The American Literary ReviewMeridianCrab Orchard ReviewFiction SoutheastBellevue Literary Review Nimrod, and Mid-American Review, while her academic essays on poetry and social change can be found in anthologies published by SUNY Press and Palgrave Macmillan. She lives in London and Chicago. Her website is located here.

Annie Woodford lives in Roanoke, Virginia, where she is a teacher at Virginia Western Community College. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Appalachian HeritageThe Comstock ReviewCold Mountain ReviewThe Chattahoochee ReviewWaccamawThe Normal SchoolTar River PoetryBluestem, and Town Creek Poetry, among others.