Issue 4.1 Contributors

Beth Bilderback is a writer in Norfolk, VA. Her work has been published in The Lascaux Review and KYSO Flash.
Patricia Budd is a retired computer engineer now in her 80th year. Math is her alternate language. She writes, paints and is a Reiki master and an ordained chief troublemaker. She lives in Portland, Maine with husband Richard, a theoretical physicist and bridge player. They have two sons and three grandchildren. She won the Balticon 42 Poetry Contest in 2008 and has been published in MARGIE, MacGuffin, Alehouse among other journals and Web sites.
Michael Chin was born and raised in Utica, New York and is a recent alum of Oregon State’s MFA Program. He won Bayou Magazine’s Jim Knudsen Editor’s Prize for fiction and has work published or forthcoming in journals including The Normal School, Passages North, Prairie Schooner online, and Bellevue Literary Review. He currently serves as a contributing editor for Moss. Find him online here and follow him on Twitter @miketchin.
Krista Cox is a paralegal, an associate poetry editor at Stirring: A Literary Collection, and the Program Director of Lit Literary Collective, a non-profit dedicated to serving her local literary community. Her poetry has appeared in Columbia Journal, Whale Road Review, Pittsburgh Poetry Review, and lots of other great places. Find her work and more about her here.
Susan Grimm is the author of Almost Home (Cleveland State University Poetry Center 1997), Lake Erie Blue (BkMk Press 2004), and Roughed Up by the Sun’s Mothering Tongue (Finishing Line Press 2011). Her work has appeared in Blackbird, The Journal, The Cortland Review, Seneca Review, and Tar River Poetry. She earned an MFA in poetry through the Northeast Ohio MFA consortium (NEOMFA) and teaches creative writing part-time at the Cleveland Institute of Art. She also occasionally teaches classes for Literary Cleveland. She lives in Cleveland, Ohio, and can be found online at The White Space Inside the Poem.
Jonathan Harper is the author of the short story collection Daydreamers, which was a Kirkus Review Indie Book of the Year for 2015 and a finalist for Foreword Magazine’s IndieFab Awards. He received his MFA from American University and has received residencies from VCCA and the Writer’s Colony at Dairy Hollow. His writing has been featured in places like The Rumpus, The Nervous Breakdown, Big Lucks and in anthologies such as Homewrecker: An Adultery Reader and The Best Gay Stories series.
Visit him online here.
Ashton Kamburoff is a poet from Cleveland, Ohio. He currently lives in San Marcos, Texas, where he is an MFA candidate at Texas State University. His work has appeared (or is forthcoming) in Shadowgraph Quarterly, Cobalt Journal, Toad and other literary journals. He currently serves as the poetry co-editor for Opossum Literary Journal, a magazine which seeks to explore the intersection of music and literature.
Carla Kirchner is a poet, a fiction writer, and an English professor at Southwest Baptist University, a private, liberal-arts college in southern Missouri. She is currently working on both a collection of Civil War fairy tales and a series of poems about her grandmother’s Kentucky girlhood.
Robert Miltner is Professor of English at Kent State University and is on the poetry and fiction faculty of the NEOMFA. He has received a Wick chapbook award for Against the Simple, a Red Berry Editions Chapbook Award for Eurydice Rising, and the Many Voices Poetry Prize from New Rivers Press, selected by Tim Seibles, for the prose poem collection Hotel Utopia. A recipient of an Individual Excellence in Poetry Award from the Ohio Arts Council, Miltner was a 2015 finalist both for National Poetry Series and the Louise Bogan Award for Artistic Merit.
JoDean Nicolette succumbed to the field of medicine for years. Still a physician and teacher, she has now dedicated herself to a career in writing. JoDean’s work has appeared in The Sun Magazine, Printers Row Journal, Sugared Water, and she was awarded the 2015 Grand Prize for Prose in The Maine Review’s Rocky Coast Contest. “Trail Magic” is from an unpublished book about JoDean’s development as a physician as she walked the Appalachian Trail. She currently lives in northern California with her dogs and horses, and her extremely patient husband, Ben.
Susan Pagani is a journalist, writer, and editor in Minneapolis, MN. Her nonfiction essays have appeared in Switchback and three collections, Literary Orphans, Minnesota Lunch, and The Secret Atlas of North Coast Food. Her book reviews have appeared in Sierra Magazine, Heavy Table Magazine, and the Los Angeles Review of Books. She recently completed her MFA at Bennington College.
Beth Sherman received an MFA in creative writing from Queens College, where she teaches in the English department. Her fiction has been published in The Portland Review, KYSO, Black Fox Literary Magazine, Sandy River Review, Blue Lyra Review, Panoplyzine, Sun Star Literary Magazine, Peacock Journal and Gloom Cupboard and is forthcoming in Delmarva Review and Joyce Quarterly. Her poetry has been published in Hawaii Pacific Review, Hartskill Review, Lime Hawk, Synecdoche, Gyroscope and The Evansville Review, which nominated her poem, “Minor Planets” for a Pushcart Prize this year. She has also written five mystery novels.
Adam Tavel is the author of Plash & Levitation (University of Alaska Press, 2015), winner of the Permafrost Book Prize in Poetry, and The Fawn Abyss (Salmon Poetry, 2016). You can find him online here.