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I’m such a flirt.
My opened pet-
als fill with dew
drops, saucy fillips
down a tube’s lop-
sided top, scalloped
as any trollop—look
like puckered lips,
arched lids, if not
the curves of fish-
hooks or a turned
up skirt. —Oh, you
would spot my put-out
pout in any sputter
of wind with your fine
proboscis & spiffed hairy
legs. Now, I may be over
-done, but I make-do.
Give you lip? You bet.
Honey, I’m really deep
throated & also noted
for my in-folding down
-ward pointing exits, forked
tongue, spoon-like mid-
riff. I’m never a drag.
I’m so fond to lolly-
gag & giggle, a silly goose,
you prolly think I’m Polly-
anna, another dumb blonde
who worries how she cuts
her figure? Why yes I’m used
to always being on the fly,
alas, with sassy rinky-dink
pink dresses loose & frilly.
Some say I’m cute enough
to die for, a potted mouth
Molly, not a gelded lily, but
a carnivore—I have such
taste; pitfalls aplenty to make
you trip down south into
my slick trapdoors.
I could lap your fly-
blown parts, lick sap &
à la carte your spit then
snatch the chance to
slip you down my hatch.
Every boy thinks I’m quite
the catch. I sell the sizzle
and then eat your meat,
your whole heart out.