Issue 2.1 Contents


Forked Roads —  John Francis Istel

Waking —  Karin C. Davidson

The Box —  Greg Bottoms


Form-Fall —  Marco Wilkinson


Swept —  Emily Vizzo

Sea Lion —  Emily Vizzo

Mario’s Grocery Has No Cameras —  Chris Mink

During the Tornado, I’m Thinking of Stars —  Sara Henning

The Dead Wait on the Living to Go on Living —  Kim Garcia

Mountain Aubade —  Kim Garcia

Mending —  Ruth Foley

Doubt is the angel of our time —  Ruth Foley

Cleansing Flights —  Ruth Foley

Pitcher —  Will Cordeiro

Wild Horse / Wild Deer —  John Casteen

Figure —  John Casteen

I Saw You —  JC Bouchard


Greg Bottoms
JC Bouchard
John Casteen​
Will Cordeiro
Karin C. Davidson
Ruth Foley
John Francis Istel
Kim Garcia
Sara Henning
Chris Mink
Emily Vizzo
Marco Wilkinson