Issue 8.1 Contributors
Emily Adams-Aucoin is an emerging writer who works as an English Language Arts teacher in South Louisiana. She has been published in two anthologies: Splintered Souls and Gratitudes: To Our Mothers (A. B. Baird Publishing) as well as the literary magazines K’in and After the Pause. She also regularly posts her poetry to her Instagram page, @emilyapoetry.
Laura Adrienne Brady is a writer, educator, and singer-songwriter. Her poems have been featured on King County public buses and in the journals Scribendi and Bricolage, and her essays appear in Brevity and in the book Our Food, Our Right: Recipes for Food Justice. Laura has released two albums of original folk music under her stage name, Wren. Her forthcoming project, Pink Stone: Songs & Writings from Moose Lodge, is a body of songs and a paired companion book inspired by her healing journey in Washington’s remote Methow Valley. Explore Laura’s music and writings at
Bethany Bruno was born and raised in South Florida. She attended Flagler College, where she earned a B.A. in English. She later earned her M.A. in English from the University of North Florida. Her work has been previously published in Lunch Ticket Magazine, Dash Literary Journal, Adelaide Literary Magazine, Still Point Arts Quarterly, October Hill Magazine, Litro Magazine, etc. She’s working on her first novel. Read more of her work at
Mialise Carney (@mialisec) is a writer and M.F.A. student at California State University, Fresno. She is an editor at The Normal School and Nightingale and Sparrow, and her writing has appeared in Atlas and Alice, Your Impossible Voice, and is forthcoming in Belle Ombre and Hobart, among others. Read more of her work at
Janine DeBaise‘s creative nonfiction has been published in Orion Magazine, Southwest Review,and The Hopper, amongst others. Her poetry books are Body Language from Main Street Rag and Of a Feather from Finishing Line Press. Her essay “The Space Between” won the 2020 Vinnie Ream Medal from the National League of American Pen Women. She teaches writing and literature at SUNY Environmental Science & Forestry in Syracuse, New York.
Darren C. Demaree is the author of fourteen poetry collections, most recently Unfinished Murder Ballads (October 2020, Backlash Press). He is the recipient of the 2018 Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Award, the Louis Bogan Award from Trio House Press, and the Nancy Dew Taylor Award from Emrys Journal. He is the Managing Editor of the Best of the Net Anthology and Ovenbird Poetry. He is currently living in Columbus, Ohio with his wife and children.
Heather Diamond holds a B.F.A. in studio art, an M.A. of English from the University of Houston, and a Ph.D. in American Studies from the University of Hawaii. She has worked as a bookseller, college instructor, and museum curator. Her first memoir—Rabbit in the Moon—will be released in Spring 2021 by Camphor Press. Her essays have been published or are forthcoming in Memoir Magazine, Sky Island Journal, (Her)oics: Women’s Lived Experiences of the Pandemic, New South Journal, and Waterwheel Review. She lives in Hong Kong with her husband and two cats.
Shawna Ervin is an M.F.A. candidate at Rainier Writers Workshop and attended the Mineral School residency with a fellowship from the Sustainable Arts Foundation. Recent publications include Tampa Review, Euphony Journal, Evening Street Review, Apalachee Review, The Delmarva Review, Summerset Review, and Superstition Review. Her chapbook Mother Lines was published in January 2020 by Finishing Line Press. She lives in Denver with her family.
Halsey Hyer is currently earning their M.F.A. in Poetry from Florida International University. They are an Associate Editor for the Pittsburgh Poetry Journal, member and mentor of the Madwomen in the Attic writing workshops, and collective member of The Big Idea Bookstore. Their work has been featured or is forthcoming in Voices From the Attic Anthology, The Blue Nib, Show Us Your Papers Anthology, Tiny Seed Literary Journal, and elsewhere.
Ruth Joffre is the author of the story collection Night Beast. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Kenyon Review, Lightspeed, Gulf Coast, Prairie Schooner, The Masters Review, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Pleiades, and elsewhere. She lives in Seattle, where she serves as the Prose Writer-in-Residence at Hugo House and co-organizes the Fight for Our Lives performance series.
Brandyn Johnson’s poetry has appeared in The Sugar House Review, Vine Leaves Literary Journal, The Puritan, Dunes Review, and several others. He is an instructor of English at Black Hills State University in Western South Dakota. He lives with his wife, Anna, and their daughter, Ari, in Rapid City, SD. He still can’t surf.
Andy Keys is a writer from Sandpoint, Idaho, the child of a weaver and a winemaker. He is an M.F.A. candidate at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, where he teaches introductory classes in poetry and creative writing. His poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in The Shore and Thin Air Magazine.
Karl Plank is the author of A Field, Part Arable (Lithic) and BOSS: Rewriting Rilke (RedBird Chapbooks) as well as the forthcoming work of criticism, The Fact of the Cage: Reading and Redemption in David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest (Routledge, 2021). His writing has appeared in publications such as Beloit Poetry Journal, Zone 3, Tiferet, and has been featured on Poetry Daily. A past winner of the Thomas Carter Prize (Shenandoah) and a Pushcart nominee, he is the J.W. Cannon Professor of Religious Studies at Davidson College.
Dani Putney is a queer, non-binary, mixed-race Filipinx writer originally from Sacramento, California. Their poems appear or are forthcoming in outlets such as Azahares, The Blue Mountain Review, Cosmonauts Avenue, Figure 1, and Tule Review, while their personal essays can be found in journals such as Cold Mountain Review and Glassworks Magazine, among others. They received their M.F.A. in Creative Writing from Mississippi University for Women and are presently an English Ph.D. student at Oklahoma State University. While not always (physically) there, they permanently reside in the middle of the Nevada desert.
Q.M. is from China and currently lives in Atlanta, GA. His poems have appeared in Constellations, Lucky Jefferson, Penultimate Peanut, Rigorous, and Roadrunner Review, among others.
Jim Roberts lives in Miami Township, Ohio and works as a consultant and data scientist. This is his first published work of fiction. He is busy finishing a collection of short fiction titled Of Fathers & Gods, and is researching his historical novel Ezekiel’s Airship, based on a purported “first flight” in rural East Texas that predated the Wright Brothers. Read about his writing projects at
Rachele Salvini is an Italian woman based in the U.S., where she is doing a Ph.D. in English and Creative Writing at Oklahoma State University. She spent most of her life in Italy, and she writes both in English and Italian. Her work in English has been published or is forthcoming in Prime Number Magazine, Necessary Fiction, Takahe Magazine, Sagebrush Review, Sarah Lawrence College Review, and others. She is also a translator, and her translation work has appeared or forthcoming in several literary journals, including Lunch Ticket.
Claire Scott is an award winning poet who has received multiple Pushcart Prize nominations. Her work has been accepted by the Atlanta Review, Bellevue Literary Review, New Ohio Review, Enizagam, and Healing Muse, among others. Claire is the author of Waiting to be Called and Until I Couldn’t. She is the co-author of Unfolding in Light: A Sisters’ Journey in Photography and Poetry.
Robert Slentz-Kesler lives and writes in Durham, North Carolina. He is a former public school teacher and librarian whose work has appeared in The Blotter Magazine, The Urban Hiker, Toad the Journal, and Fiery Foods Magazine. Read more at
Alice Stone-Collins is an artist living in Atlanta, GA, where she is a faculty member at Georgia Gwinnett College. Alice’s intricate hand-painted collaged pieces ask questions of tradition and to the ties that bind. Her work highlights the tensions between the mundane, the everyday, and the apparent dead. Alice earned her MFA in studio art from the University of Tennessee and has exhibited her work regionally and nationally. She has been a resident artist at KMAC (Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft) based out of Louisville, Kentucky and the David and Julia White Artist Colony in Ciudad Colon, Costa Rica. She was also a finalist for the Jean-Claude Reynal Scholarship among other honors and awards.
Melissa Studdard is the author of the poetry collection I Ate the Cosmos for Breakfast and the poetry chapbook Like a Bird with a Thousand Wings. Her work has been featured by PBS, NPR, The New York Times, The Guardian, and the Academy of American Poets’ Poem-a-Day series, and has also appeared in periodicals such as POETRY, Kenyon Review, Psychology Today, New Ohio Review, Harvard Review, Missouri Review, and New England Review. Her awards include The Penn Review Poetry Prize, the Tom Howard Prize from Winning Writers, the Lucille Medwick Memorial Award from the Poetry Society of America, and more.
Wendy Thompson Taiwo is an Assistant Professor of African American Studies at San José State University. Her writing has appeared in Typehouse, Mn Artists, Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism, Nokoko, and numerous anthologies.
Sean Winn recently came to writing following retirement. In addition to published works, his poetry, essays and fiction are forthcoming in Pangyrus, Waymark, and di-verse-city, among others. He has lived in Indonesia, Hong Kong, and Singapore, but now calls Austin TX home. Find him on Twitter @SeanWinn_.
Nancy Lynée Woo is an M.F.A. candidate at Antioch University. She has been awarded fellowships from PEN America, Arts Council for Long Beach, and Idyllwild Writers Week. She is the author of two chapbooks, Bearing the Juice of It All (Finishing Line Press, 2016) and Rampant (Sadie Girl Press, 2014). She is the creator of Surprise the Line, a community poetry workshop. Nancy strongly believes in the power of the arts to bring people together. Find her cavorting around Long Beach, California, and online at
David Xiang is a poet currently studying at Harvard Medical School. At Harvard College, he studied under Jorie Graham and Josh Bell. His work has been published in Cream City Review, The Harvard Advocate, Magma Poetry, Cordite Poetry Review, Roadrunner Review, among others. David was awarded the 2019 Lloyd McKim Garrison Prize in Poetry, awarded to a Harvard undergraduate for the best poem. In 2015, David served as a 2015 National Student Poet, the nation’s highest honor for youth poets.