Theresa Platenkamp

Fiction Editors
Elizabeth Boyer
David Claeson 

Nonfiction Editors
Chloe Datner
Chloe Martin

Poetry Editors
Haylee Beish
Aminata Morgan

Managing Editor
Elizabeth Wordham

Outreach & Social Media Editors
Briana McHugh
Redd Niero

Design Editors
Shannon Baxter
Katia Savelyeva

Assistant Editors
Mitchell Eubank
Daniel Hur
Alena Sigsby

Audio Editor
Richard Yeomans

Art Editor
Michelle Zillioux

Copy Editor
Emma Snyder

Faculty Advisor
Laura Bylenok

The current editors of the Rappahannock Review would like to pay
tribute to the ground-breaking work of the journal’s founding editors:

Sam Akridge
Alice Baldys
Kerry Blanton
Marina Bonanno
Courtney Cherico
Morgan Deacon

Danielle DeSimone
Katie Diemer
Kyle Finley
Amanda Grace
Lizzie Greene
Christine Grilliot

Colleen Huber
Melanie Jankovits
Katelyn Leboff
Elizabeth Lewan
Angela Mather
Will McCarry

Kate Ricchetti
Josh Roberts
Mike Stange
Kaci Sutton
Regina Weiss