Featured Artist: Alice Stone-Collins

Alice Stone-Collins

Alice Stone-Collins is an artist living in Atlanta, GA, where she is a faculty member at Georgia Gwinnett College. Alice’s intricate hand-painted collaged pieces ask questions of tradition and to the ties that bind. Her work highlights the tensions between the mundane, the everyday, and the apparent dead.

Alice earned her MFA in studio art from the University of Tennessee and has exhibited her work regionally and nationally. She has been a resident artist at KMAC (Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft) based out of Louisville, Kentucky and the David and Julia White Artist Colony in Ciudad Colon, Costa Rica. She was also a finalist for the Jean-Claude Reynal Scholarship among other honors and awards.

Artist’s Statement

We are constantly coming home and leaving. We lose; we add; we change. There is a commonness and uniqueness of these experiences. Stale spaces—the mall parking lot, an empty community pool, a neighborhood cul-de-sac at dawn—are subjects that come to life by exploring their contrasting energies of boredom and beauty, stasis and comfort. Places close to home but yet tinged with certain mythic qualities of wondering how you arrived here. These are the places my eyes have always been drawn to. And with an alert eye, I try to capture what is arriving and what is taking flight.