ISSUE 11.1
issue contents
> fiction
> nonfiction
> poetry
> art
our editors
Guiseppe Getto
State Song
In class we learn
the state song
because we are children
in a state
and for each state
there is a song
at a certain age
to the cadence
of chalk squeaking
the words
that inoculate our minds
all other state songs
so that visiting
a classroom
in a new state
and hearing
the children
chant their
plants, animals,
and landscapes
only serves to remind
the listener
of the phrases
of their home state’s
we’re learning
sil-ver-y rills
as in
out by the [river’s]
sil-ver-y rills
and the teacher asks
between hoop earrings
does anyone
know the meaning
of sil-ver-y rills?
—thus upholding
the dictate
of state-sponsored
that no answer
be freely given
unless first asked
as a question.

Guiseppe Getto is a Zen Buddhist, a poet, and an Associate Professor of Technical Communication at Mercer University. His first chapbook is Familiar History with Finishing Line Press. His individual poems can be found in journals such as Sugarhouse Review, Reed, Eclectica, and Harpur Palate, among many others. Visit him online at: