Featured Artist: Rodrigo Oñate, Invierno

Fiction 5.1

Curves of the Letter S”

by Anthony Ausiello

“On the first Friday morning of February, Mrs. Vivian Stein, of 5 South Springs Road, sat troubled and alone in her usual Queen Anne chair, sipping green tea and watching the local morning news. It wasn’t grief or solitude that troubled her today. Her husband, Sam, had passed away nine months prior of a sudden heart attack, and Vivian had come to accept her life of mourning. …”


All Hallows’ Eve”

by Brenna Lemieux

“Beth pictured herself and Gina dressed as cats for Halloween: leotards and fishnets, or else fishnets with very short skirts. Heels. Headbands with ears. Maybe tasteful whiskers. They’d arrive at Hopper’s, where Asher would be waiting, nursing a pint at the bar, and he’d turn and see them, but it would be Beth who would take his breath away. …”