Featured Artist: Rodrigo Oñate, Primavera

Nonfiction 5.1

“Behind Your Back,” “Cloven in Twain,” and “Feels Like Stone, Looks Like Rope, Call It Grief”

by Joyce Hayden

“Without you, it would have happened to me. Butternut Creek, another April vacation. Both of us in pea-green waders with bamboo creels and graphite fly rods. We wandered upstream after the steel breeze blew Dad back to work. …”


Little Rambles” 

by Lauren Crux

“Dear _____,
Mercury went into retrograde yesterday and apparently will last an entire month, which seems a bit excessive to me.  A week is hard enough. …”


There Goes the Fear: A Triptych” 

by Bryn Gribben

“You walk into the restaurant to meet your friend, the one you made when you were dating the man who broke your heart. you appraise its clean, streamlined design, and then you see the art on the walls. It is all by the man whose heart you broke. …”