ISSUE 11.2
issue contents
> fiction
> nonfiction
> poetry
> art
our editors
Katelynn Bishop
Empty Sac
suddenly the doctor is leaving the room telling us
take all the time you need i’ve always felt
restless claustrophobic in those rooms time becoming
windowless now i wait
for body to recognize absence hard to say
what body knows or doesn’t hard to translate
a subsiding soreness those fleeting twinges the traces
of brown blood that could have been warnings i want to believe
there is wisdom in body’s holding on bracing me
by building layers of protective tissue soft husk
sinking in before its uprooting
i want to know
how it ends if we can if we will i think
of all those years we could have might have didn’t
try didn’t know what i wanted

Katelynn Bishop (she/her) is a writer and sociology professor living in California. Her poetry has been published in Streetcake and Literary Mama.