ISSUE 5.1 welcome issue contents > fiction > nonfiction > poetry contributors interviews featured art our editors Issue 5.1 ContentsFeatured Artist: Rodrigo Oñate, Flora y Fauna #6FictionAnthony Ausiello, “Curves of the Letter S”Brenna Lemieux, “All Hallows’ Eve”NonfictionLauren Crux, “Little Rambles”Bryn Gribben, “There Goes the Fear: A Triptych”Joyce Hayden, “Behind Your Back,” “Cloven in Twain,” and “Feels Like Stone, Looks Like Rope, Call It Grief”PoetryJonathan Duckworth, “The Moon Is a Grave of Feathers” and “Hands”Gail Giewont, “At the Wall”Bryn Gribben, “Volute”Hali Sofala-Jones, “Electrolysis”InterviewsAnthony AusielloLauren CruxJonathan DuckworthGail GiewontBryn GribbenJoyce HaydenBrenna LemieuxHali Sofala-Jones